SEO Process

When it comes to your website showing up in the search engines, it first has to get indexed. That means the search engines need a way to find your site, spider it, and store the necessary information in their databases. That process lets the search engines know that your website exists. After the spidering process, the search engines make a determination about what your website is about and assign each page a page rank. From there, the popularity contest, and the “heavy lifting”, begins.This is usually where most people stop, usually because they don’t know what to do next. What most people don’t know or understand is that this is really where it all begins. Typically, your web pages will not magically appear on the first page of Google for your selected keyword phrases. This is where Search Engine Optimization is introduced.Anyone serious about a meaningful online business presence needs SEO Services. With millions of web sites designed and published everyday in all kinds of languages and topics, a long term and sustainable Internet marketing strategy is crucial. There is no doubt that the following statement is true:

An optimized web site, with SEO web design in mind, generates more internet traffic
thus driving more leads, phone calls and sales, which translates into revenue.

If you aren’t up to speed with Google’s Terms of Service, and do something that Google doesn’t like, you could experience a nasty backlash. Google could penalize your web site, drop your rankings, or worse yet de-index all of your pages. What does this mean? Basically, buy a new domain and start from scratch. No one will ever find your web site on Google any more.

How do you ensure that this doesn’t happen to your site? Find an SEO expert and have them do it. Or, spend years figuring out how Google’s ranking algorithm works and do it yourself, assuming that Google doesn’t modify their algorithms (note: Google releases major changes to their algorithms multiple times each year).

Think about this…if you required dental surgery, would you do it yourself without any dental knowledge or skill? Or worse yet, would you spend countless years and wasted money attending a dentistry school so that you could save a few bucks on this one operation? I didn’t think so. So how is getting an SEO expert any different. Think of the countless hours you would waste trying to figure out how to do it, which by the way, doesn’t guarantee your success in the end anyway.

An SEO specialist is trained to know to perform keyword analysis, how to analyze competition, how to drive traffic to your website, and how to convert those new leads into paying customers.

At Breakthrough Digital Media, we’re up to date with all of Google’s algorithm changes, since we’re “in the trenches” every day. Our SEO specialists are trained to follow an effective 4-step process to ensuring that you receive the return on investment that you deserve.

Phase 1 – Discovery:

  • Analyze your existing website structure for optimization
  • Determine frequency of indexing from Google
  • Analyze on-page elements such as meta tags, title tags, H tags
  • Determine keyword relevancy from Google’s perspective
  • Ascertain page rank, age of domain, and authority status
  • Evaluate inbound link popularity and internal linking strategy
  • Examine current traffic and keywords which drive that traffic
  • Determine competitors in primary keyword verticals
  • Explore for broken URLs and other potential problems
  • Research current rankings


Phase 2 – Analysis:

  • Establish the list of primary keywords based on search volume and competition
  • Research potential secondary keywords
  • Review recommended changes required to optimize the website for the selected primary keywords(site maps, meta tags, H tags, title tags etc)
  • Add analytics to determine potential optimization “leaks”
  • Determine the effective of the website copy writing
  • Review potential opportunities to build inbound links through targeted websites
  • Consider implementation of a Blog and RSS feed to improve the frequency of relevant content within the website
  • Develop an Action Plan


Phase 3 – Implementation:

  • Follow-up strategic meeting with client
  • Finalization of primary keywords
  • On-page changes to the website to optimize for the primary keywords
  • Correct any errors or problems with the website
  • Develop a process by whic the website will provide frequently updated content (typically via a Blog, RSS feed or Content Management System)
  • Launch inbound link acquisition campaign that focuses on high value, quality links directly related to the content of the client’s website
  • Creation of article distribution, press release, and bylined article campaigns
  • Implementation of a social media campaign designed to drive targeted inbound links
  • Submissions to high ranking Web 2.0 sites and social bookmarking sites
  • Directory submissions to reputable directories


Phase 4 – Management:

  • Once your campaign is “live”, you will be provided monthly progress reports and the status of tasks performed from the Action Plan
  • If you have any questions, contact your account manager to have them answered
  • At your request, a monthly call can be scheduled to discuss the Action Plan from the prior month as well as the coming month